Sunday 25 March 2012

Evaluation Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

In the last 25 years, the proliferation of technology that can be used to access media has allowed the TV, film and music industries to expand greatly. For example, the introduction of video tapes and then DVDs allowed films to make money beyond the box office. Films such as Shawshank Redemption, which was only mildly successful on initial release, but through video sales it became a cult classic. In addition to this, the internet has allowed anyone and everyone the chance to promote, analyse or criticise their anything. Specific websites, such as YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter have also allowed people to post and share what they have discovered like never before. The "KONY 2012" viral video that was released in March 2012 is a prime example of how something can become incredibly popular through the use of social media.
Many of these tools were also used in the creation of my own video and print productions. For example, YouTube provided with the resources to research music videos, as well as post my own upon its completion. I was also able to use Facebook to promote my productions and recieve feedback on them, in order to improve. In addition to websites that provide a stage to showcase my video production, I was also able to complement my understanding of various theories by researching them specifically, most importantly the use of Goodwin's Theory and conventions of genre. Much of the research on into media theory was conducted on blogs, which have also been vital in my creation of a music video and my print productions. My blog, which is home to all of my completed work, has allowed me to recieve feedback from teachers in a much quicker fashion than I would otherwise be able to. As a result, I have been able to edit any work should I be required. It also acts as an easy-to-access hub for all of my work in case I have a need to look at, edit, or add some work whenever I need to. Perhaps the most important part played by the internet was the provision of my track. Through the variety of websites that are used by unsigned bands to promote themselves, I was able to listen to several tracks which allowed me to pick one I believed I could work on. I was then able to email that band for their permission to use their work.
While the internet has provided many different forms of technology that have aided me in my work, it was also required of me to use other technology, specifically computer software, to create my final productions. The first step in creating my music video and print productions was a camera. Many contemporary cameras feature both a video and stills option, meaning that I was able to use the same camera for both. Also, due to the digital nature of the camera, it enabled me to view my work as it was progressing. Anything that didn't reach the standard of quality I was after could be deleted and the shot could be taken again. The next step in the process was to edit the raw footage or image to create a suitable final production. In the case of my music video, Adobe Premiere Elements was used. This software allowed me to cut up the raw footage and swap it around into the desired places. It also allows for special effects, such as changing the speed of the image and changing the colour scheme of the shot. In order to cover any obvious cuts to a new shot, several options of fading in and out were also available. In on instance, I chose to impose two images on top of each other, which helped change the connotations of the video, as well as showcase my ability to use the software.
The second software that I used to finish my production, this time my print production, was Photoshop Elements. With Photoshop, an image can be manipulated in much the same way as I previously detailed. However, due to the single frame state of a still image, the edit can be more advanced. For example, it was possible for me to highlight a section that I did not want to be affected by my manipulation, then inverse the selection, which allowed by to lighten the background of the image, while keeping the foreground, in this case the character, the same. This allows more emphasis to be placed in a certain part of the image. Another feature of Photoshop that I used was the insertionof text. With a variety of fonts available to choose from it is simply a matter of finding a font that enhances the image. As such, it is very easy to tkae a raw image and alter or enhance the original connotations in order to promote the production.
The steps I have taken in creating my own productions imitates those taken by amateur prducers that choose to release their content exclusively on the internet. The sheer amount of content that is available on the internet essentially provides a proving ground for some to become the next top people in those fields. However, for those who do not have to capability, effort or patience to reach that level, it is simply used as an outlet for creativity.
Although technology has made things a lot easier for me, it has also provided some hindrances. For example, the website used for our blogs was often inaccessible due to website server errors or an incompatibility with school computers. There was also an instance of a change in the way things were uploaded to the blog, which initially created a problem with posting, and later caused formatting trouble, as can be seen in the images shown in my first evaluation question. However, the most problematic piece of technology was the image editing software, Photoshop Elements, that I used in the creation of my print productions. During my initial editing, I used a font that was later unavailable, for unknown reasons. When I attempted to continue using this font I found that I was no longer able to. This forced me to choose a new font and to replace the previous uses of the original font in all of my other productions.

1 comment:

  1. Dan would you please NUMBER YOUR QUESTIONS before the end of today.
