Sunday 12 February 2012

First Panel - Former Decision

This if the final edit of my digipak's first panel. The reference to Team Rocket, of Pokemon, is still recognisable, although not as obvious as originally planned. This is because I feel that the background of light grey works better with the logo colour of red than a plain white background, as would have been used had the influence of Team Rocket been a primary feature in the artwork. Instead, there is more emphasis on it being an original logo to give it's relationship to the band more strength.

This panel also shows my chosen name for the digipak. It's title, "The Battle of Life" is in reference to a lesser known work of the 19th Century English writer, Charles Dickens. This reference shall be explored in more detail when the digipak's full playlist is posted, in conjunction with my final digipak image.

1 comment:

  1. A stylish composition and the red on grey adds a sophisticated tone. The Battle of Life is a romantic story about love lost and gained so in a sense reflects the theme of your music video, though yours doesn't have the happy Dickensian totally unrealistic ending.

    I look forward to your other 3 panels appearing on your blog.
