Wednesday 21 September 2011

Original Idea

The idea I have come up with involves a boy/young man who is reminiscing about recent events that have happened to him, occuring in flashbacks that happen as he goes about getting up in the morning.

The first shot is a birds eye shot of him in bed. As the music begins, with a steady drum beat, he opens his eyes. Then the camera cuts to his feet moving to the floor, still in time to the opening drum beat.

As a guitar riff begins, the character is shown walking down a set of stairs in his house. The camera then cuts to a bathroom door closing, fading into the first flashback.

This flashback is of him talking to a girl in a public area, such as a park. In this, she is clearly shown rejecting him. The flashback ends and he is shown to be brushing his teeth

Another flashback begins when he spits his toothpaste into the sink basin. In this flashback he is talking to a different girl, who is much more accepting of his presence, indicating that they are in some form of relationship. As this flashback ends, the mian character is shown to be getting ready to have a shower.

A third flashback begins with a shot of the shower faucet being turned on. In flashback shows the first girl now talking to the main character, trying to convince him to leave the second girl for her. This flashback ends, showing him putting his shirt on after the shower.

As he goes back up the stairs, the camera centres on the bedroom door. The final flashback begins after he enters through the door and closes it. He is shown to be deciding between the two girls.

As the music ends his decision is made clear by showing the second girl in the bed.

1 comment:

  1. I think both girls should dump him!!!!! To be serious a well considered narrative but the ending is a bit corny, you need to consider a final shot with more of an edge to it and also make the audience think!
    Think about the idea of fantasy, with flashback/illusion at the end in reality both girls pass him in the street or where ever and there is not sign of recognition indicating the power of the imagination. We can discuss in class.
