Thursday 14 July 2011

Possible Choices

"Thin Black Jeans" by Silent Sundays

This song has made it to my final three options as I feel the song has good potential for a music video. The vocals are slightly reminiscent of Paul Weller of The Jam, as well as incorporating a more modern pop punk sound. The guitar riffs and drums retain a classic punk rock sound while also showing skate punk and indie rock influences. The song itself is short enough to be able to promote it alongside a music video without it dragging in the middle.

"Elegant War" by A Joker's Rage

The opening drum solo is vaguely similar to the opening of Disturbed's "Down with the Sickness" although with a rock sound rather than metal. The vocals are reminiscent of Jane's Addiction, with the band citing them as an influence on the band, Overall, the song is very solid and is currently my most likely final choice.

"Heavy Metal Josh" by Elephant Juice

As soon as the song starts it displays a strong influence of punk rock, specifically the UK style of punk showcased by bands such as the Sex Pistols. Similarly to Silent Sundays "Thin Black Jeans" the vocals seem to be influenced slightly by Paul Weller.

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