Sunday 26 June 2011

Video Task

Rifoki - Zombie Attack from Dim Mak on Vimeo.

This video styles itself as a 1950's Horror film based on a zombie invasion. This is interesting because it takes advantage of editing to achieve such a state.

This is my favourite of the three videos as it uses many different devices that all add to the video. Not only does it use a large number of different clips of animals fighting in the wild, it also contrasts this with the portrayal of the band. The entire band are playing inside a cage, something normally associated with captive animals, while a free tiger roams around outside. Also, the lead singer is wearing what appears to be a coat made of feathers. This implies that humans are at the top of the animal kingdom.

This video is unusual as it doesn't follow the convention of it's genre, i.e. the band performing. Instead it uses an odd sequence that more closely resembles a dance video.

1 comment:

  1. Dan you've urgently got to put the labels onto your blog. Could you please do this today.

    This is very important. Any problems see me.

    Also under Label: Planning Music Video post your ideas re the research you've done into a number of artists and evaluate by explaining pros and cons of the tracks. Ta
